.. _docking-in-3-steps: Docking in 3 steps ================== You will find in this page a short tutorial for running |Dock|. It has been divided in 3 steps: 1. System definition 2. Cavity generation 3. Docking Step 1: System definition ------------------------- First of all, we need to define the system. Below these lines you have an example for a DUD system of a typical prm file (See :ref:`Documentation ` for more information): .. code-block:: python RBT_PARAMETER_FILE_V1.00 TITLE gart_DUD RECEPTOR_FILE gart_rdock.mol2 RECEPTOR_FLEX 3.0 ############################################## ## CAVITY DEFINITION: REFERENCE LIGAND METHOD ############################################## SECTION MAPPER SITE_MAPPER RbtLigandSiteMapper REF_MOL xtal-lig.sd RADIUS 6.0 SMALL_SPHERE 1.0 MIN_VOLUME 100 MAX_CAVITIES 1 VOL_INCR 0.0 GRIDSTEP 0.5 END_SECTION ############################ ## CAVITY RESTRAINT PENALTY ############################ SECTION CAVITY SCORING_FUNCTION RbtCavityGridSF WEIGHT 1.0 END_SECTION You will need this generated ``.prm`` file, a receptor structure mol2 file (``gart_rdock.mol2``) and a ligand file in the cavity (``xtal-lig.sd``) for going to next stage. .. note:: The receptor ``.mol2`` file must be preparated (protonated, charged, etc.) prior to this stage. The program chosen to do so is up to the user. As a suggestion, we usually work with MOE and/or Maestro. Step 2: Cavity generation ------------------------- Once the files are ready, a simple command will generate the cavity: .. code-block:: bash rbcavity -was -d -r With the ``-d`` flag a grid ``.grd`` file is generated. This file can be visualized in a molecular viewer to check the generated cavity. For example, in PyMOL (after loading by: ``pymol .mol2 .sd .grd``), write the following command in the console: .. code-block:: python isomesh cavity, .grd, 0.99 Step 3: Docking --------------- Once the cavity is defined and generated, a 50 runs-per-ligand |Dock| job can be run straightforwardly with the following command: .. note:: The ``.prm`` file, receptor, reference ligand and ``.as`` cavity file must be in the working directory or pointed by the environmental variable ``RBT_HOME``. .. code-block:: bash rbdock -i .sd -o -r -p dock.prm -n 50